I am an ornithologist specialized in bird migration, radar ornithology and conservation biology. My research has mainly dealt with bird migration and how topographical and meteorological factors influence it. I have leveraged different remote sensing tools (various radars, thermal imaging), telemetry, visual methods and citizen science data for my research purposes.
I studied biology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and completed my MSc about habitat selection of Wrynecks Jynx torquilla in agricultural landscapes in the department of Conservation Biology at the University of Bern. During my PhD from 2013-2016, I studied bird migration and ecological barrier effects at the Bay of Biscay by means of radar (radar wind profiler, weather radars), thermal imaging and moonwatching (see short video in Spanish). It was a collaboration between the Society of Sciences Aranzadi and the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Besides, I participated in the COST Action ENRAM (European Network for the Radar surveillance of Animal Movement) and worked as a postdoc in the GloBAM project.
I am currently working as a radar biologist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Predominantly as a leisure activity, I have been involved in various wintering, breeding bird and migration surveys in different countries for over 20 years, and I was an active ringer for about 10 years at various stations in Europe. Since 2001, I have been an active member of various national BirdLife partners, amongst others as a board member and organizing ornithological courses and working as a guide, currently in the Helsinki bird club Tringa. In the remaining time, I simply enjoy watching birds whenever and wherever I can…